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and if you offer yourself to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted one, then your light will shine in the darkness, and your night will be like noonday.
Isaiah 58:10

Help Feed the Need!


You may not realize it but there are people right here in our own communities that may be going to bed hungry each night. At Enterprise Baptist Church we believe strongly in helping meet the needs of others and believe it is an important part of what God calls His children to do (Matthew 25:31-46). Giving food to the food panty is a good way to help meet those needs. In the fellowship hall of the church there is a bin labeled "Food Pantry". If you would like to donate food to help feed those who have a need, simply place whatever food you bring into the bin and every few weeks the food we collect is passed on for local distribution.



We collect any non perishable food items. We do however ask that you please check the dates of any items donated and make sure they are not expired or nearing expiration. If you bring a lot of canned goods it may also be a good idea to include a can opener as well. You can bring a variety of items if wish or if you are able to bring one item in bulk that is fine as well. All food will be divided as need between any receiving food. 



We are one of many churches in our area that donates food to the food pantry ministry. All the foods collected are taken to the Mississippi Baptist Associational office in Liberty. As food arrives it is sorted and packaged into boxes and is then ready for pick up to anyone who comes in with a need. 



Anyone who is in need is able to stop at the association office and see Rev. Alton Foster to obtain a box of food. If you are picking up food as a result of finding out about this ministry through Enterprise Baptist Church please do let Bro. Foster know so we will be able to check on you later and see to it that you are doing ok and don't have any further needs. 



If you or someone you know needs food please don't hesitate to let us know. There is no shame in getting help in our times of need. We are happy to help and we want you to know we are here for you. If you have a need or know someone who does please feel free to call Pastor Shan Van Norman anytime at 601-657-0180.

Who We Are

We are a small Southern Baptist Church located in Liberty MS with a desire to do the work of the Lord by seeking to live by His Word, love others, help those in need, and bring others into His Kingdom through faith in Jesus Christ.

What We Believe

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Savior of all who put their faith in Him. He is the one and only Son of God who gave His life for the forgiveness of sin. There is salvation in no other.


We believe in the Holy Spirt as the counselor promised by Jesus to indwell in and counsel those who faithfully follow Him.


We believe in water baptism as commanded by Jesus for those who put their faith in Him. Not for salvation but as a sign of our faithfulness to Jesus and a symbol of being washed of our sins. 


We believe in the partaking of the Lord's supper in remembrance of the body of Jesus given for us and the blood of Jesus shed for the forgiveness of sins until He takes those who are His home to be with Him.

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